Here are some of the websites that I’ve done. There are and have been a bunch more, but here’s a decent sampling.

The Emily Effect

This is a non-profit foundation, started by a friend of mine. My wife is one of the core contributors that has helped get the foundation up and running and keeps things organized. I’m the technical consultant and help run the website – update content, add functionality (like the store), edit user-submitted content, etc. The site is done in WordPress using an off-the-shelf theme. The site design and initial setup was done by Jordan Butler, a graphic designer who also volunteers with the foundation.

(click on an image to visit the site)
the-emily-effect-home the-emily-effect-store

Duvall Landscaping

I’m still semi-actively maintaining this site – re-worked it in early 2015 to adopt a more responsive, mobile-friendly theme.

Duvall Landscape and Maintenance is a Spanish Fork-based company. They provide landscape design and installation, including sprinkler systems, rock work and water features, retaining walls, pavers, etc. Their primary goal in creating their site was to provide an online photo gallery of their work for potential customers to see as well as develop a simple online presence to make it easier for customers to get in contact with them.

I recently re-designed and re-implemented the site with WordPress, with a focus on search engine optimization (SEO), resulting in a significant boost to the site’s traffic and generating more business for the company. A cool addition to the site was some custom functionality that not only displays all of the plants that are available for customers’ landscape designs, but gives the customers the ability to create a list of plants they’d like to use, and either print the list or email it to Duvall Landscaping.

  • Custom ‘pick your plants’ functionality
  • Highly-customized theme

(click on an image to visit the site)
Duvall Landscaping - website by noxad Duvall Landscaping - website by noxad

Morinda Care

I’m no longer maintaining this site (at least they haven’t asked me to change anything on it in 2.5 years anyway), but it’s still up there running. Was built in 2010-11 with a few tweaks here and there since.

Morinda Care is a relatively new line of animal health products produced by Morinda Agricultural Products, Inc., which shares a parent company with Tahitian Noni International. It is based out of Provo, Utah.

I created the website (partnering with a friend) as a way for the company to initially start selling their products online, leading to recurring healthy online sales revenues. We worked with various internal departments to make the solution work, including the advertising, design, and IT departments. The relationship has now existed since 2009 and continues to go well.

Unfortunately the company has outsourced sales of their products to an exclusive distributor, so the ecommerce functionality is currently disabled.

  • Theme created completely from scratch, based on graphic designer’s design
  • Online store
  • Store finder (using Google Maps)

(click on an image to visit the site)
Morinda Care - website by noxad Morinda Care - website by noxad

My daughter’s blog. She’d been talking about wanting to do one for a while, then finally got serious about it in the fall of 2014, so we sat down and made it happen. I’m the technical consultant and content editor. Uses the Arcade WordPress theme as the base, with a child theme for the customization, such as the social links in the header.
(click on an image to visit the site) Home Blog Post

 Previously-Developed and Maintained Sites

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